Thursday, September 4, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Nobody around here seems to be feeling the love for Marty this week.

According to Toni "Russell Wilson has a glorious penis".

Steve was talking about some stud today, Roger, Mary and I apparently missed a good conversation in the back room.

According to other news publications, Wilson's penis outshined Kaepernick's abs in this picture on "Sports Illustrated".

Roger's giddy with excitement, Joan Rivers died today. Maybe that's not the only reason why he's giddy.

I got in trouble today, all of the guys were mad at me because I wasn't wearing a Seahawk's jersey.

Poor Teri, it was not her day today. No wonder why she wants to leave us.

Everyone needs to bring in their favorite Tim food since he won't be at work tomorrow. I should bring in ice cream, Dilly Bars and cheesecake.

 *not to be construed as Gossip

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