Monday, September 22, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Bill and Roxanne saw Reesia hanging out the car window trying to yell at them on Saturday. That must have frightened the other drivers on 405. I'm very ticked at Roxanne for not taking pictures or a video of this happening.

"I have to be careful of what I say around Roger because he can always take it one step further." Mary

"It's a chair chair." Mary about her new chair

"I feel dirty." Mary about talking to Crystal on the phone

"It's a fablet." Bill about his new phone

Speaking of gay, Ryan got his hair cut by a gay guy yesterday and the guy asked him if he was going to watch the game later and Ryan said something about no we had errands to run and for a moment Ryan felt gayer than the gay guy cutting his hair.

Just a few more days.....then you get rid of me for 7 working days. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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