Tuesday, September 23, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Tim was super excited today because he got a raise in his allowance from his wife. I still think he's up to something sneeky.

I obviously ticked Cody off because he deleted me from his phone. He seems to be temperamental just like his dad.

Mary's son is opening another business. I think he's got to be up to about 20 businesses by now.

Bill informed us that some stripper poles spin and that's the kind he wants for his office.

"Don't even talk to Roger about the 80's" Bill

Roger hasn't been here that much this week but he's already counting down the hours until I leave on vacation. (Apparently Cody is also).

We just found out today that you have to hide watermelon if Roxanne's around or she'll eat it all.

Typhinee said I made her feel sick when I was talking to her today. Apparently everyone around here wants me gone now. I know I may be hard to deal with but seriously it's just a few more days people...

*not to be construed as Gossip

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