Friday, September 19, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

One week left till I leave on vacation!!!!

Toni's mom is at it again, she ran off some more high school delinquents who were skipping school and smoking something in e-cigarrate form. She told them to Hurry off to school, make good friends and make good choices.

"I know my Robert Kinkaide." Mary......about Thomas Kinkaide.

"Your mother is a milf and you know it." Mary to Toni

Bill and Mary's iphones came today. 

Tim is such a piece of crap, he went out of town again and didn't invite any of us.

"You know who pissed me off, Jessica pissed me off and I don't want to talk about it." Crystal

It's all good Typhinee, Crystal still doesn't like you either.

I got to hear about Crystal and her issues with her youngest kid taking off his overflowing diaper, playing with the poo and then sitting in her chair and getting poo all over her chair. Needless to say I'm sure the over diaper and poo are still everywhere that the kid left it.

I think Toni and Jared were fighting over Crystal today, they seemed to be having a heated argument over the phone.

The world is falling apart Honey Boo-Boo's parents split. That's probably the smartest thing that guy has ever done.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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