Friday, September 12, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Joe told Mary yesterday that we should have a rule against hiring guys with big buns (Matt).

"Damn I'm good." Mary

Typhinee was picking glitter out of Matt's hair and beard this morning. I immediately said he was stripping last night and Matt didn't deny that he was working his stuff. Now Tim's going to want a discount on Matt's labor for his job last night.

Tim can be such a Debbie Downer. Next time I'm going to Denver instead of him, since he says nobody should want to go there.  Right now at their botanical garden they have a Chihuly Exhibit so there are amazing things in Denver even if Tim doesn't think so.

"It's always hard for guys to hit the target." Mary to Bill

Bill thinks that all of the iphone6 Plus' will sell to men. I'm sure it will only be to men with penis issues. I have a feeling that Bill will be changing his mind and getting the plain iphone6 now otherwise he's going to mocked by me every time I see him with a phone larger than Steve's head.

 Really bizarre Roxanne said something about pulling pee cards next week. How often does she or Bill pee on cards? She can skip sending me one of her handmade wedding invitation, that's for sure.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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