Tuesday, September 3, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

Last minute on Friday night Mary screwed me out of taking care of Riley for the weekend, she told me that Nikki was available to take her.

Riley was happy to see Roger this morning. Who's ever excited to see Roger besides maybe Dot on payday?

Toni says that Riley is a bed hog.

Jessica went to a Celtic Festival this weekend and apparently she saw more than she wanted up some very large mans kilt. What was she thinking flipping up everyone's kilts? She was bound to run into some men going commando.

I'm very upset that the cruise ship that Mary's on doesn't have a webcam. I wanted to see how many men she's picked up so far.

Riley wanted to take a bite out of Kevin today, she thought he should be her next chew toy.

Ryan thought he saw Roxanne driving somebody elses car in Wenatchee on Sunday so if she was missing, Ryan found her. 

It sounds like Toni and Nikki found a love shack and it's across the street from where he lives right now.

"Riley thinks I'm a dick, I didn't give her any of my applesauce. They do eat their own poop but they don't eat applesauce." Roger

"What's wrong with you, what did your parents do to you?" Bill to Toni

I may have just found Roger's birthday present and it's not the guy...even though I know he would really like him too. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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