Friday, September 6, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

Jessica called her husband a whore because he cheated on his diet last night with chicken wings.

"It's not the first time someone has asked me to leave...I always have something to say." Roger

Roger told Toni that he couldn't use the word Fabulous or the Cat's Pajamas anymore.

Toni said he followed Ryan and me last night, it was just a creepy conversation.

John with Cascade was in today and made the comment about not seeing the resemblance that Mary and I see between him and Toni so I asked John what nationality he was and of course he's Lebanese like Toni and at first he thought I was joking with him.

Toni says he probably wouldn't have sex with this guy.

Toni and I also want to know how this guy got 300 people to sleep with him?

"Sounds like a b*tch." Roger about some woman's name

Nobody seemed to want to interact with Cory today for CSF after finding out he just had mono.

According to Vance is you cancel something it is CVancelled. 

I think Mary should start another business by letting people pay her to babysit Riley. It sounds like Roger's wife is up for it and of course I would pay her in a heart beat.

Tim thinks he scares everyone away from here. Is that why Howard left today?

Tim told me that Ryan and I can go out on his new boat if I help him get it.

Roger's upset that Rick isn't being more of a father figure to him and taking him out to go hunting.

Tim just thinks he can do whatever he wants since the bosses are away today.  

*not to be construed as Gossip

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