Tuesday, September 24, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

Toni sure seems to have the hots for Matt, he called him handsome this morning.

Cody thinks he's a horrible kid. I'm sure he thinks that because he's Chris' son. 

Tim hopes that Stephanie will elope next week all so that he's not inconvenienced at work and I wasn't supposed to put that in the Chatter but I forgot. 

Bill told Toni that he was trying to sugar coat Sh*t.

According to "How I Met Your Mother" the show finally revealed the mother last night.

Tim had a bad day all because The Caveman was out of Dragon wheels.

Tim just wants everything right now.

Tim said he thinks he's going to pull a Matt.

Tim figured he wouldn't have to pull a Matt if he got a company van with a gas card. 

Toni had a bad day at The Caveman too, I think they spit in his food.

Matt has some serious competition with this monkey's mustache.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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