Monday, August 22, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

Steve's been holding out on us, he had a Harrison Ford story from Yellowstone that he wasn't telling us about. Basically he got naked with Harrison Ford in a hot springs locker room and he subjected one of his daughters to all of this nudity too. Afterwards all Jenny asked Steve about was Harrison's genitalia.

All I have to say is don't cross Bill today.

Mary's husband, Randy told me that he's stalking me on Facebook.

Onto my beautiful weekend adventures since I have to outdo Tim and Toni this week which I really can't do but I'll try anyways. We went to Mt Rainier yesterday and hiked to Bench and Snow Lake and while on the trail I came across a bear in a field. I had to try to get its picture but it scampered off before I could get a good one. Then up on the hillside I saw a mountain goat (the picture that looks like Riley). Other than that it was just beautiful scenery on a gorgeous day.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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