Wednesday, August 3, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

Today is apparently going to be all about Bill and his new uncomfortable shoes.

On this day in 1978, Gay Bob, the worlds first gay doll was introduced. I'm pretty sure I need to find one of these asap for a wedding gift for this weekend.
On the back of the box it tells how to enjoy Gay Bob.
"Play With Me, I'm great Fun"
"Take me to parties, I know the latest dance moves."
"Take me to the office, your boss will want to play with me." -I'm confused as to which boss will want to play with him?
"Take me to a coming out of the closet party."
"Use me for therapy, I'm very understanding."

According to Bill, pewter and gray are not the same because they are two different words. Toni wanted to know this morning.

Roger is now a detective and his alias is Batman.

Tim wants to switch friends with Roger all because he heard about a cabin in Alaska.

Mary's going to be thrilled to hear this especially after the horrible day that she's had. "I'm excited to have a kid." Toni after seeing Tim's grand baby

Roger thinks it's rude not to make fun of me every time that I see him.

This adorable bear family decided to go for a dip at Lake Tahoe right next to swimmers. (Video below)

*not to be construed as Gossip

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