Tuesday, August 9, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

Toni doesn't remember Vanilla Ice playing at his wedding, that's how wasted he was.

Roger wants to know how Kellen rescued him. He said he would be very impressed if he found out that Kellen dove for him on Saturday night. 

"This is the sh*ttiest vacation I've ever taken." Bill as he thought I told someone on the phone he was on vacation but in fact I said that Steve was on vacation. If I was lying as to where Bill was I probably would have used my, he's in a meeting looking at the WENUS.
Bill told us this morning that he made a mistake marrying the wrong woman and now I can't remember what his reasoning was...I guess Bill's going to have to sort that one out at home.

This dolphin snatched this woman's ipad right out of her hand at Seaworld. Needless to say I don't think the woman was impressed with her wet ipad afterwards.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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