Thursday, August 11, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

I had a choice between a rainbow cake, a floral cake or a princess cake for Kellen at Costco last night. I couldn't do the rainbow because those are for Toni so I had to do the princess even though those are also for Toni.

"I've had phone sex that doesn't even last that long." Roger to Typhinee about their long call

Toni leaves for his honeymoon on Monday unless we all convince him that Michael will steal all of his clients.

Steve's been sharing team spirit all over the country while he's been on vacation. Interesting but my sister has also been at Yellowstone this week, she apparently drove through on her way to and from Sturgis or that's how the story goes. It's probably some huge Apex get together that I don't know about, I'm sure that's where Bill, Tim, Michael, Andrew and Roger are all today too. Just for that Mary, Typhinee and I are all going to go with Toni on his honeymoon. Besides I need to make sure that Nikki allows Toni to wear his never nude shorts.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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