Wednesday, August 10, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

Tim accused me of making up gossip. I scolded him and sent him back to his office.

"Were talking gay stuff." Roger about himself and Toni

"I'm going to grow a ZZ Top beard." Roger

"Basically what we're saying is that women are pretty useless."  Roger to Toni  In Roger's defense he was talking about sports.

There's trouble in paradise already, Toni's trying to take his ring off. There must have been some hot guy around.

Toni wants Bill to fire him for being stupid. I would prefer just to make fun of him than fire him.

Tim wants to know what Superhero Kellen gets to be for his birthday tomorrow. I could tell Tim anything and he'll have to believe me since he's taking tomorrow and Friday off.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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