Monday, November 3, 2014


The Daily Chatter*
Matt's recovering from his birthday, poor Steve has to put up with him at a jobsite today.

Toni is apparently a B.D.B. whatever that means....I think Steve has some explaining to do.

Matt seems to have a thing for Mama Sherman, he was holding her hand at the game yesterday.

Mary has turned Bill's office into her Craigslist Store and Personal Pleasure room (the pleasure room is only for the people who aren't sure if they want to buy her left over wedding items. She seems to change their mind after she shuts the door though).

Bill has absolutely no upper body strength like he said he had.

The UPS lady was telling me today about her recent experiences of looking at herself in the mirror at the gym and not liking what she saw.

Roger thought that Disneyland sounded like a wholesome vacation.

Matt wants me to give him a break for not knowing how to spell "reimburse" because he didn't go to college.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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