Monday, November 24, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Bill thinks he's more civilized than Toni, all because Toni called a contractor a tool.

Michael says that I may have some new material to write about...He better start dishing.

Michael was sitting in the back room bragging about wining and dining women.

Bill told everyone that Mary's only happy because her daughter got married. Mary would like to clarify that she's always happy.

Tim wanted to show Michael the perks of working here again so he showed him where the hot chocolate is kept.

Toni said he's going to go and count chickens. Doesn't he have anything better to do?

Cody had quite an entertaining weekend that he's not too happy about.

Marty came back and said his happy thanksgivings and stuff and mentioned he was making Almond Roca and deviled eggs and for some stupid reason I told him he had to bring us in some Almond Roca. There's no way on earth that I'm eating anything that was made inside that home.

Speaking of that household, Crystal couldn't stop calling Toni today. 

"I like a feisty girl." Mary

*not to be construed as Gossip

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