Friday, November 21, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Matt thinks he started the man-bun thing. I thought I saw him in the Albertson's parking lot last night but apparently it was some other dork with a man bun.

"She's my sweetheart." Tim about Crystal

"Go home, you look like sh*t" Tim to Bill

Mary's been texting her contractors that they're good sons and that she loves them. Bill said he wasn't going to change how Mary does or gets her business.

"I swapped forks with him and he didn't even know." Bill about Toni freaking out about his germs at lunch time

"It feels so good to rub your hand along it." Mary to one of her customers

Matt had a very exciting day, he found the mother-load of all closets today. One of Mary's customers has a closet full of liquor. He's probably going to have dreams about that tonight.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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