Thursday, November 20, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Thank-you Bill for fixing Mary's computer last night. You have no idea what you saved us from today. 

"Let the carnage begin." Tim   Crap, does he think the office is now the set of "Hunger Wars"?

Toni told me that I wasn't hiding anything by bringing my booze in a travel mug today. I think he was jealous and wanted me to share with him. 

I felt a little naughty, it's only Thursday and I emailed Tim and Toni about a three way today.

"Are you dating a rapper now, look at your jewelry." Roger to Mary   "Wait till you see what I got for my teeth." Mary

Roger told me this morning that he blames all of his problems on Dot.

Tim had a dream that he was still working here in his 80's. I told him that's what we all wanted.

Toni is off to woo some men with Tim.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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