Tuesday, November 4, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Happy Birthday Toni aka Gil!
I was very disappointed, I bought Toni a pink Tinkerbell doughnut for his birthday and he didn't even want it.
The little guy in the Beauty and the Beast play reminded Bill and Roxanne of Toni which is impossible because Toni is Gil today.

The old guy with the BMW convertible in our complex obviously doesn't know how to put the top up on his car.

"How old is the little b*stard?" Roger about Toni

"If there's one monkey in the house, I'm leaving." Roger about his customer with eleven animals

"Do I sound like Jason?" Matt

Tim thought that I was doing something shady in our system today.  I think that he thinks I was adding costs to all of his jobs.

"Did you tell Mary about us?" Toni to Tim

"I'll make a white cake." Mary  (Isn't that racist?)

*not to be construed as Gossip

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