Tuesday, November 25, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Crystal has called two times in a row with the stupidest questions. I think I'm going to redirect all of her calls to Toni's cell.

The old guy with the convertible BMW had his top down in the rain today, now I know he's an idiot.

Roger says he's done being nice to people. Yesterday when he was nice to someone his tail light broke and he had to pay for a broken gas pump.

Mary taught Roger and I something new today. A gorger is someone who is not a gypsy and according to the strange duck that Mary met at Starbucks last week, gorgers like to rape children.

"Are you whining about guys being whiney?" Bill to Mary

"Roger, you are almost really good with names." Bill   Apparently Roger likes to guess names.

"I like to be bossed around by women." Roger

Serge's daughter was eying Bill's Disney toys in his office and to be her new favorite person I thought about giving her all of his stuff.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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