Friday, August 1, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Roger is off to California today for his brothers 50th wedding anniversary. I personally think he's lying and just wanted the weekend off from the road show.

My power was out at home last night (yes I paid my bill) and it's always amazing to see what you don't have in case of an emergency and also how little you can do without electricity.

Roger, I think I got emails that were supposed to go to you. The first one was "Play with me on my Naughty Webcam" and you're the only one around here who loves to play on your webcam besides Toni. The next email was "Spank me I'm waiting for you on my bed". I just assumed it went with the naughty webcam email that is clearly yours.

Teri (Vanna) has now moved onto modeling with our carpet racks.

I don't think Steve wanted to go home tonight, his daughter is cutting in six new teeth.

Rick graced us with his presence today and I had to ask about his daughters boyfriend just to get him all riled up. I was just trying to get the inside scoop he can't blame me for that.

Toni's going to hang with his sister and the girls tomorrow and pick out dresses. He's going to be in heaven.

Rick was honestly here longer than Bill was today. Obviously Bill needs all day to pack for an outing. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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