Monday, August 25, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

"I need you to look at my rack." Mary to some guy

My new spaceship phone, that hopefully won't drop calls, should arrive in 3-5 days!

"I'm a bad girl...." Mary to one of her customers

I had a bad dream about Typhinee last night and the crazy thing was the person in my dream wasn't Typhinee so I'm all confused.

My baby did it again, apparently Tim doesn't like cheesecake and Tim went back for seconds of Ryan's cheesecake today.

"Roxanne's been on me everyday and also she wants me to get that stuff cut." Bill

Mary blew my mind, she said the crazy lady next door name is Susan. Toni and I thought it was Anne. I think to Mary any crazy person next door is going to get the nickname Crazy Susan.

Typhinee informed me that Roger is on vacation checking the emails that he's not supposed to. That sounds like Roger if you label something "Do Not Read" he's going to read it. If you have something urgent you know what to label it now.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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