Wednesday, August 20, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Tim seems to have absolutely no faith in me. He was just sure I only bought him a one way ticket to Denver yesterday.

Roger was very upset with me today, he told me that all I wrote in "The Chatter" yesterday was that Toni was gay and he already knew that.

I thought Tim was trying to tell me that Mary was his second wife today but it turned out to be someone else.

Tim told Teri that she was being too nice with her notes around the office and that she needed to start calling people around here "sh*t head". I have already apologized to Teri for having to work in the back office with Tim.

I read a post today about alien sea creatures washing up on the shores of WA, OR & Cal. Then they show this picture.
I was really expecting something more like this.

I think Typhinee was part of a crime scene this morning at Wendy's, she knew way too may details.

Tim's helpless, no wonder why he needs several wives.

"I hate working with old people." Mary to some old person on the phone

I think Toni set the alarm on all of us tonight.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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