Friday, August 22, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Someone asked Cody what his name was the other day and this lady had to clarify that it wasn't Toni that he just said. Cody told her that Toni was shorter and used his hand to gesture how much shorter and he did mention that Toni was better looking.

Toni named his car Consuella. Bill informed him that was a "Friends" reference to Princess Consuela Banana Hammock.

"I have zero problems with banana hammocks." Toni

Toni's obviously going to be performing at Stephanie's Bachelorette party over the weekend with Matt. Matt's only in it for the beer money where as Toni likes to show off his new outfits.

Jessica gets to spend another weekend with her wonderful sister in law who apparently invites her crazy parents to go everywhere with her and her new husband.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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