Wednesday, August 27, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Roger's back!

"What are you doing in the middle of the showroom?" Bill to Tim    "Taking off my sh*t." Tim to Bill as he was stripping

"You walk in my office and my blood pressure goes up." Mary to Tim  

Toni wanted to kidnap a little girl and a dog over the weekend. I keep telling everyone that you have to keep an eye on him.

Roger and I decided this morning that it was ok that he didn't understand his stepson's mathematical dissertation on brain neurons because we are only flooring people.

"He's just wasting his youthful good looks." Mary about Matt and his scraggly beard

Toni wasn't sure if my dress was a dress or a skirt. Nikki should be ashamed of him. Toni, if it was only a skirt  I would have been bear chested today. It's been requested by management at work to limit those occasions without a shirt only to Mardi Gras.

Now I know why Bill doesn't like this picture, Bradley Cooper looks much better dancing with Roxanne than Bill does.  If I would have made it life size I'm sure that Roxanne would have just been staring at Bradley's chest...then every woman in the office would want their picture with him and  made into a life size card board cut out.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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