Thursday, August 14, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Bill says Roxanne was unloading on all the drivers around her when she was talking on the phone to him last night. Are road rage classes fitting as a wedding gift?

Roxanne wanted to go to a block party last night to meet her neighbors but Bill wasn't willing to subject his neighbors to her mood.

Mary told me that she has lots of phobias and I told her not to worry because Roger has way more than she does.

I noticed that my Princess Cruise ship is in Russia right now probably being taken over by Putin.I better get my New England cruise in September or I'm going to have to go over and kick Putin's butt myself.

Bill was outside fondling his car tire today after lunch. It reminded me of the scene from "Friends" when Monica, Phoebe and Chandler had to pretend to say goodbye to their room wall in Barbados because they didn't want Ross to figure out that they were eavesdropping on him and Charlie.

The restaurant Von Trapp's in Seattle changed their name today after some scuttlebutt with an actual Von Trapp family member and apparently there being confusion over the Trapp's Family Lodge in Vermont and this restaurant. Sounds weird to me because the restaurant had a federal trademark for the name.

"Is that bad?" Toni to Bill    "This is why you can't go places." Bill to Toni

I'm pretty sure that Toni and Bill think that I'm a crazier cat lady than Jessica because of my comment to them today.

"I need a new printer, mine is an a$$hole." Bill

Bill called all of his relatives today to tell them that they weren't invited to his wedding.

"I'm more excited than I think he is." Toni about one of his friends

*not to be construed as Gossip

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