Tuesday, June 24, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Roger says he has no complaints but he thought that status would change at about 9am this morning so check his FB page, he makes a ton of posts per day.

Here are all of Roger's FB posts just from yesterday morning, the afternoon posts got a little raunchy so I won't share those.
"Never get into fights with ugly people, they have nothing to lose."
"I didn’t say it was your fault, I said I was blaming you."
"You don't sweat much for a fat chick."
 "I intend to live forever. So far, so good."
" Dot's the luckiest woman in the world because she married me." 
"Without ME, it’s just AWESO."
"I swear I just saw Tupac at my favorite Stripclub, I didn't know he was into guys."
"I wish I was back in Chicago, Wayne Newton digged me....if you know what I mean."

I'm pretty sure Roger thought he was going to get one of these awesome outfits like Wayne gave out in "National Lampoons."

"I didn't know I wasn't allowed to complain about myself." Roger to me

Matt feels old, his son is turning 15 today and he realized that's how many years he's been out of high school.

"Your not contagious are you?" Roger to Tim    "Not unless we rub a$$holes." Tim to Roger

"Is that a thing?" Bill about Tim's comment

 "I'm a guy, my memory works different." Mr. U'nnells

Bill mentioned sex is making him sick.

Toni wins the prize for f*cking Tim over and making him go to Birch Bay tomorrow.

"I'm usually the MILF unless your mom is around." Mary to Toni

Typhinee now calls herself the Work Order Nazi.

"Now you can get off my a$$." Mary to Typhinee

"I'm braindead." Toni   I think it's from reading all of Roger's FB comments today.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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