Monday, June 16, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

It sounds like Tim and Donna must have resolved their issues because she's coming home on Saturday.

Roger was dumb today (and he even admitted it) he didn't wear a jacket and it was raining this morning.

Ryan and I watched the second "Hobbit" movie last night and they pretty much ended the movie right in the middle of a major scene and the third one isn't even out yet. So now I have to wait till next year to see how it ends.

"I'm a parking lot whore." Tim

 I think Bill may need body armor when he goes home tonight, Roxanne wasn't having a good day and she wanted to throw her computer through the wall.

It looks like Roger screwed up again because Dot is off to Chicago. I wonder if Dot found about the thing that had to do with the other thing that Roger and Toni knew about but somehow Bill blabbed it and Roxanne twittered about it.

Mary called me the crazy office manager. 

"I think he would let his freak flag fly anywhere." Jessica about Matt

 According to "The Onion" More Corporation are using the tag and release program to study American consumers. This totally explains the bruise on my leg.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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