The Daily Chatter*
Toni and Roger rode in together this morning....Toni asked me if I wanted to hear the gay or straight version of his story.
"Look at it this way, you've never screwed up." Roger to Bill
There's one thing that Marlon wasn't blowing smoke about, he is actually fluent in Spanish.
Roger thought he fried his ipad today by plugging it in at Costco. Apparently when he took off his sunglasses his ipad worked just fine, it was magical.
"It amazes me at how clean your desk is..always." Tim to Bill
Cody is behind the times on technology, he claims his dad does more online than he does. I think maybe we should have hired Chris. He would at least be able to write the chatter when I go on vacation.
We have a Cheetos thief and Jessica and Typhinee think it may have to do with Statt (Steve & Matt).
Mary says Tim is a rat b*stard.
Howard sure gets around. He was in twice today.
Matt informed us that frown face called it off with his room mate a few weeks back.
Tim needs some sleep!
Toni is still mad at Steve for his pornographic dream that he had about the two of them.
*not to be construed as Gossip
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