The Daily Chatter*
I can see it now, I'm never going to be able to watch Riley again since I called her a dirty girl to her momma. In my defense she liked walking in the mud puddles and I did bathe her.
I told Typhinee today that I'm glad nobody records Roger's conversations. For the record nobody can record Toni's conversations with contractors either. He told somebody that he was just browsing a certain dating site today when they called him.
MSN had a headline that Miley had a health setback and has to cancel concert. I'll let Roger fill in the blanks as to what kind of horrible sexual diseases she has besides Cyrus Virus."Marked by twerking, sticking out your tongue, licking hammers, and obsessing over wrecking balls."
How cute, Bill wanted Toni's advice on something today.
FYI, Toni's going to play Volleyball on the beach with some dudes tomorrow night and he's pretty stoked about it. He really wanted Cody to go with him, is there something he knows about Cody that he isn't sharing?
Bill admitted that he's turning into GB. I think Bill takes way more women out to lunch at a time than Gary ever did.
*not to be construed as Gossip
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