Wednesday, April 23, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Everyone is leaving to go somewhere and this time Mary's going to Tennessee to see her baby. It looks like her weather is supposed to be warmer than Roger and Dot's Maui weather.

This was a little hard to stomach seeing this in my email inbox first thing this morning.

"Do you think I have a chance with him." Toni about Russell Wilson filing for divorce

I had a dream last night about Roxanne's lesbian lover and that she was a Seattle judge.

I want everyone to know that I am very, very, very disappointed with Matt and this time it's not because of his hair.

Toni and I fought all day over who would get to take care of Riley this week, I'm exhausted but I think I won, I gave him two black eyes.

I think Jessica is the devil, she offered me chocolate and then jalapeno crunchies today. Of course I had to take them, I'm only human. 

Chris told Cody that Cody's dog is no longer his dog anymore and that it's Chris'. It doesn't even sound like Chris is trying to play fair.

I've been doing a lot of fighting today; Typhinee and I were fighting over Matt this afternoon. I won again only because I gave Typhinee a bottle of Fireball and she forgot about how much she wanted Matt.

I sparked the "oh sh*t button" in Toni's head today.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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