Wednesday, April 9, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

"I froze my a$$ off last night." Roger

"Tonight's my date with Tim." Roger   Apparently Tim is responsible for keeping Roger warm tonight.

I think Tim was sad to see the Terminix dude today because he claims he has names for all of the ants.

"At least when we both get fired, I won't be alone." Tim to me  Just for the record I wanted nothing to do with his shenanigans today.

I found out today that Roger is afraid of birds. It's a good thing he doesn't have to drive through Auburn to get home because there is a large flocks of crows at the 15th Street exit that would freak him out. Some days it can seriously look like a scene from "The Birds".

I swear Henry knows Toni's coming back tomorrow, he hasn't been as energetic today. 

Cody said he wants to shave before seeing his boyfriend Toni.

Bill left in a hurry today and said that he had to meet with their new wedding planner. He said something about wanting more glitter and apparently Mary nixed that idea.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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