Thursday, April 24, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

"What's on the front of his shorts?" Toni about the picture in the Chatter yesterday. Apparently he missed the penis the first time around.

Ryan was telling me about the sad life of some dude who walked into Walmart only wearing his black shoes. 

Here's that terribly pathetic guys horrible interview.

"I use to be one of the cool kids..but then I packed on a little weight..." Steve about not getting invited to go to lunch with Toni and Bill

"They are going to f*cking sh*t purple nickels." Tim

"Don't worry Tim, I saved your job." Steve

Tim was super excited some stupid sucker gave him cash today. 

It looks like Mary and Randy have beautiful weather in Tennessee. 

I think it's vacation wars around here because Dot posted this of their lanai to make us jealous. That does it, I'm going on vacation next week when everyone gets back to work.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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