Thursday, May 1, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Jessica went to measure a gym yesterday and she said that some naked chick started a conversation with her while she was on her knees in the locker room by the shower. Apparently it's not any different than the Men's locker room that Matt and Steve remember so fondly.

Jessica thinks Mary is Ms. Sassypants today. 

Mary got a prank call from Shuryl today. 

Toni thinks Bill is sitting on a gold mine. Have you seen the chair Bill sits on? There's nothing special about it at all.

Roxanne is stressing about the wedding venue so we settled on either Tim's yard or Bill's yard. I'm sure that Bill's family would vote for Bill's yard, so it's been decided. You're welcome Roxanne.

In Roger's boredom at a roadshow he has come up with a new idea for a website, women who shouldn't wear leggings. The pictures below are woman who Roger said could pull the look off.

I have to throw this picture in too because I thought it was flipping hilarious. I guess I need to go through my closet and pick out the shirts that would look cool as a shirt-skirt.

See you all on Wednesday!

*not to be construed as Gossip

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