Tuesday, April 29, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Roger say's he's back to liven things up around here.

Mary was drunk texting me this morning so in return I'm going to keep her dog for another day.

Riley tried stealing Roger's Jimmy John's sandwich today from his brief case.

"One good sneeze and that sucker is gone." Bill to Toni

Toni wants Bill to get a pet but I think Roxanne is way more than Bill can handle and pretty expensive from what I hear.

"I'm glad to see that Hawaii didn't change you." Bill to Roger

Roger says he's all for polygamy but his wife won't let him. 

Steve said something tasted like Riley pee. What did Steve put in his mouth?

Roger called himself a Dick today. I'm glad he thinks highly of himself.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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