Thursday, April 10, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Toni's back!

Toni mentioned that he thinks he stayed at a gay hotel their first few nights, figures.

"I live a much smaller life now." Bill to Steve   I personally don't think so and I have no idea what they were talking about.

Obviously this is why Roger is afraid of monkeys.

Toni found the game My Singing Monsters and fell in love with it. Needless to say Mr. U'nnells has played the game forever and has way more singing monsters than him.

"She's the temptress." Roger about Jessica

"My a$$ is dragging, you kept me out too late." Tim to Roger

Speaking of dragging, Henry has been at the bottom of his tank all day now that Toni's back. 

Roger said that Tim was a perfect gentleman last night.

"He had me throw away his trash, it's good to be back." Toni about Tim

"Other people's kids suck." Steve

Facebook found me an online store specializing in me, how awesome is that.

I feel gypped, they make these for everyone's name. I even found one for Roger.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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