Tuesday, April 8, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Bill's very upset that Roger hasn't introduced him to Charlize Theron yet. Bill thinks that getting married is going to put a damper on them hooking up. Bill also told me that Roxanne doesn't believe in the Freebie Card unless it has her name in all of the slots.

Everyone who wasn't here this morning missed their hug from Marlon. I know Roger's going to be bummed that he didn't get to press his body up against Marlon's.

Poor Toni and Nikki are flying home today. It's crappy and rainy here now.

Mary thinks Toni is an alcoholic and always has to have a drink in his hand.

"Everything can't be glitter." Mary  I told her not to tell Toni that.

Mary was talking to a customer and apparently she thinks her husband is one of her clients.....it's getting kind of kinky around here.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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