Monday, April 21, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Toni told Typhinee to watch out for his stick, he didn't want to poke her.

Crystal told me that her son ruined their printer because he printed his homework.

Steve wants Randy to keep his hands off his Heine.

 "I'm so immature." Mary  All because she wouldn't put "Majestic Mounds" and "wood" in the same sentence to her customer.

I don't think Roxanne will be invited to any more of our BBQ's: she drank all of Tim's hot chocolate, she thought Stephanie was Nikki and wanted to see her kiss Toni, she brought up crazy Susan in front of crazy Susan's ex-husband then she thought that the other Susan was his new wife, she found a new lesbian lover and she was mesmerized by her ring the whole BBQ.

Justin Timberlake is on Toni's freebie list, which shouldn't surprise me. Ryan told me on Friday that Toni wished he was a male stripper because he loved the song that was playing. 

 Mary thinks that this is where the Easter bunny hid the eggs yesterday. She saw this on the freeway yesterday.

 Here's a couple of Matt's pictures from the BBQ.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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