The Daily Chatter*
Jessica and I decided that whichever guy, Matt or Steve, that doesn't get frost bite in Minnesota gets to be the lead on Jessica's upcoming job.
Typhinee seriously doesn't age. She showed me a picture of her and her daughter when she was first born and her skin looks the same.
Tim scheduled a PK meeting for today without telling anyone else. I think he needs to buy us all lunch.
"I'm not no dummy." Roger
"Things always go my way." Mary
"I would hate to know the things that go on in your head." Mary to Roger
Roger told us about a fortune cookie that he once had "You are sporty and intensely restless."
Bill and Toni sure took forever at Kent Station today. I think they were just enjoying the sun and each other; holding hands and just skipping along.
Mary's son Ryan got to meet Paula Deen at a BBQ and his candy store is going to be next to her new restaurant.
Toni doesn't like var-mot's they just creep him out. Apparently this Patagonia Mara from Argentina creeps him out too. This is the animal that one of Jessica's friends got.
Toni can't go the Kent Station Fed Ex anymore. It's a good thing that Roger wasn't with him because he would have been banned from UPS and Fed Ex.
Apparently I won't need to kill Toni for his vacation the Fed Ex guy will probably do the dirty work for me.
Thanks to Jessica I just figured out what this animal in my picture from Barbados is and Toni's weird because these things were adorable.
*not to be construed as Gossip
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