The Daily Chatter*
Roger had no comeback to some black guy asking him today "Hey white guy, how's it going?" I'm very disappointed that Roger didn't whip out one of his Yo Mama jokes.
I read yesterday that Shaq spends about a $1,000 a week on apps. Who the heck has that much time to play with that many apps in one week besides Bill?
Mary said Cody's bike was too girly for her. Roger informed Mary that she is girly but maybe Roger forgot about her burly tattoo.
Bill wants to be called El Presidente from now on because he thinks it sounds more important than President of Apex. I have news for him, nobody is going to believe he is an El Presidente with the sunless color of his skin.
Toni was mad that Bill didn't kiss him goodbye tonight.
*not to be construed as Gossip
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