Monday, March 17, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Matt thinks Steve is grumpy in the mornings and prefers him to chew out the other guys before working with him.

Steve decided this morning that if Bill can't make work orders for his jobs then he's going to be demoted to janitor.

Tim says this isn't his first rodeo. I'm assuming he plays the clown....

Don't tell Toni his sweater is ugly because he thinks it's awesome.

"I'm going to jail, I don't want to go to jail." Roger

"I can figure out who I was doing." Mary

"Do you think I'm Gary?" Bill to Steve

At least it has warmed up some in St Paul, MN where Matt and Steve will be next week. It should be in the upper 20's while they are there.

Saturday night our smoke detector in our bedroom started making the miserable beeping noise telling us that it's battery was low, I wanted to pull a Phoebe and smash it.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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