The Daily Chatter*
Ryan and I were watching "Hawaii 5-0" on Friday night and thought we saw a way overdone and plastic Melanie Griffith. Every time she turned her head in the episode I wanted to throw up because her neck looked disgusting, it's a good thing they didn't show her legs because time has not been nice to her.
I was in Roger's territory (his neighborhood) yesterday and I'm pretty sure he didn't even know it.
Henry was doing some sort of balancing act on his shell when I first came in today and yes he's still alive.
Bill really seems to love Roxanne, he offered to say something nice about her at her funeral if she died from having to smell Ed. I wasn't quite sure if he was going to say something nice about her if she died any other way though.
I'm not sure what kind of show at the exhibition center Tim thought I went to yesterday but apparently Beating instead of Beading came into his mind...
My iPad alarm keeps going off, one time only, in the middle of the night even though there isn't an alarm set.
I'm very disappointed with Jessica today, she had no good gossip.
"I thought I was reading "The Onion" for a moment when I saw this headline on MSN "Kim Jong Un Wins 100% of Votes in North Korea Election." The picture below is of North Koreans dancing in the streets, I guess they knew that they had to or they would be killed.
*not to be construed as Gossip
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