Wednesday, March 19, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

"I would like to shove this right back up their a$$." Tim

 Toni tried calling Jessica with Siri but Siri wouldn't call her instead she just called her a buttlicker. Siri seems to be a little cranky today.

 Tim was complaining to Bill about Typhinee because she showed him how to do something and then she left for lunch when Tim needed her.

The Thunder from Down Under guys caught an armed thief in their dressing rooms in Vegas.

John Mayer is apparently an idiot, he paid $5 million to a friend of Charlie Sheen's for 7 fake Rolex watches.

Mary thinks I'm a mean mean person because I hang up on solicitors from time to time. Next time I'm going to transfer them to her.

Toni thinks I'm going to kill him so that I can go to Puerto Rico with Nikki. Roger just thinks I'm greedy since I've been their three times before.

Roger says he and Ryan are in the same support group but he can't talk about it.

Now Mary's afraid that I'm going to knock her off too...

*not to be construed as Gossip

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