Tuesday, March 4, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Today is Fat Tuesday, why exactly are we at work when we should be in New Orleans? I think I'll postpone my trip to New Orleans till next week because their weather is worse than ours today and tomorrow. It looks like Chewbacca is celebrating though.

Toni seemed very worried yesterday as to what Nikki would do to him if she found out he was....

Typhinee and Jessica were told by Toni that they have naughtier mouths than the men around here.

I think someone told Liza that her hair had to match her outfit, that was a mean joke.

Toni told me that he loves the Mango skits by Kris Kattan on "SNL". Explains so much!
Toni and I were discussing that Bill has a very weird spectrum of knowledge.

"I'm getting desperate, I'm going to ask you twice." Roger to Mary

"I don't have time to mess around with him." Mary about one of the John's in her life

*not to be construed as Gossip

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