Friday, March 7, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Roger sees invisible people and Bill was one of them today.

Roger says that Ryan calls him all of the time to "not so much to complain but to discuss certain aspects of your (my) personality." Apparently I need to make Ryan listen to me a little better so that he doesn't make those sort of calls anymore. 

Tim thought RFMS dinged at him "You're Golden". Turns out it was just Typhinee's phone.

"You're so lame." Mary to Toni

"Why Mary's?" Bill being competitive again

Remember to move your clocks forward this weekend.

I mentioned to Ryan last night that Toni was going to take care of some kids over the weekend and Ryan automatically assumed that Toni was babysitting Roger.

"You just screwed me big time." Steve

Mary broke Tim's glasses, what a b*tch. 

I can't wait for Jessica's crazy party story on Monday.

"She'll make me stand in the corner again." Bill

*not to be construed as Gossip

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