The Daily Chatter*
Toni gave Matt a lighter that said "I wish I knew how to quit you." Then Matt realized it was a quote from his favorite movie "Brokeback Mountain."
The guys are now reading Bill's work orders in order to find out the gossip around this place. I think Bill's work orders are now competing with "The Chatter." I read things about Toni having a third nipple, how Steve's jaw hurt but Matt's face had a big dumb grin on it, how Matt dyes his pubs and Garret having a ferret STD.
I guess today is the day that Efren's wife will probably have their baby.
Roger was trying to share with us today what he was thinking but I put a stop to that.
Cody and Toni told me that STD's are now called STI's because someone didn't like the word Disease and they wanted to call it Infection instead.
Apparently if a rep says they will bring in lunch I need to send them our lunch order instead of them bringing snacks after they clearly said lunch. I am boycotting our PK meeting company today.
Toni does not recommend eating Zantac.
Roger can't handle any more women being in the back room. He says Jessica, Typhinee and Toni are way too much for him already.
Roger and Toni were talking about how much they love to dress up like the Girl Scouts. I was so glad that they had photos to share with me.
*not to be construed as Gossip
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