Thursday, January 30, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Matt is ticked that Bill gets his birthday off.

Dot and Joe Biden seem to be BFF's now, they had a phone conversation yesterday.

Toni said "hey handsome" to Tim while some other guy (a contractor) was in the back room and I think the contractor was ticked that Toni wasn't talking to him. 

I found the perfect gift for Bill's birthday. He needs a new mug anyways.

 Bill and Mary suck, they went to The Beatle's Love by Cirque de Soleil.

Watch out world Mary's got to fire a fully automatic weapon.

Toni forwarded me a cute and funny cat video for those of you who care.

Tim wants to be reincarnated as one of his dogs.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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