Tuesday, January 21, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Rick says Tim owes him $45.00 for his parking ticket that he got months ago. Obviously he's not going to let that one go:)

Rick's advice is not to exercise or you might die. He just lost another friend, who happened to be playing tennis when he died.

"I didn't want to pull a Bill on you." Mary

Watch out Oregonians, Matt thinks he's going snowboarding at the end of the week while he's there for a Bachelor party.

Tim was criticizing  my mistakes awfully hard this morning but I got back him back. Now I'm thinking that he was probably right, I just told Bill that I didn't have Office on my computer and I do. In my defense for a short time I didn't but apparently I didn't recheck.

Apparently the dolphins stole the show at the Santa Barbara surfing competition. I think  they felt safe and came out because Roger wasn't in their town on Sunday.

They are now warning that if you snort Smarties that you may end up with Nasal maggots. They sure try to keep everyone from having too much fun and they put out pictures like this of meth users before and afters.

"She has to see it my way." Mary

I think Matt really loves Steve. He drew a star and a flower on his timecard with the word Love.

Jessica now thinks I lied to her about Riley. I told her that Mary lied to me about Riley coming this week. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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