Thursday, January 2, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Tim made a list of items that he wants on his boat, it's getting serious. 

Bill claims his Christmas bonus was just seeing Jason's pretty face....All I can say is I'm glad that wasn't my Christmas bonus so thank-you Bill and Mary.

Toni's planning a fabulous vacation in April but he doesn't want to go hang gliding. 

"Maybe she's holding out hope." Bill about Nikki's stalker

"She's a deal sniffing little hound." Bill about Jenny

"By then you'll be his caregiver." Bill to Steve about Matt

Bill told all of us that Toni's sponsor doesn't want us putting too much pressure on him. 

Toni's icork honey came over to heat things up again with him.

Mary's all giddy because her son Ryan is coming into town tomorrow from Tennessee. 

Mary and her family have ruined me, the only thing I can think about now when I hear the word Tennessee is this awesome song.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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