Tuesday, January 7, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Bill tried making a "Friends" reference but poor uninformed Toni didn't get it.

Someone came in all hot and bothered today that Icork wasn't open when they said they would be open. I should have sold them something just to say that I stole their customer.

Toni and Roger were doing this weird dance today with each other and a black sheet.

Ferguson sure the heck couldn't park today. Where the crap was parking police Steve at?

Mary to Roger "Don't kiss her or anything."

"Can you beat that sh*t?" Tim about getting his wife to give her ok on the boat

Tim's wife may change her mind if she finds out Tim was looking for hot dancing women today but when we didn't have any available he settled for hot cocoa.

Bill seems to like Russia's new policies "Skip work, have sex: Russian's celebrate day of conception as sporting community continues to criticise Putin's anti-gay legislation."

If your Toni all you're going to be reminded of from my last comment is this SNL skit.

Matt thinks that he's the better looking Steve.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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