Monday, January 6, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Happy Birthday week to Jessica!

Toni says Snapchat is great for sending Dick Pic's.

Those dang British suck us into watching their tv shows and then they can't decide whether or not to make another season after they leave the series totally up in arms. This time I'm referring to the show "Doc Martin."

Toni obviously stole an iphone over the weekend because he doesn't have his flip phone anymore.

Tim says that his boss screwed him out of Siri.

Roger thinks it's easier to get laid if you have a 206 #.

Mary already has a name for the guy that Jessica went to see today, Captain Fabulous.

Cody ran into Vance at the grocery store over the weekend.

Bill's thinking of putting Damon in charge of payroll just so that he has something to do around here.

"You just reminded me that I have to go to the bathroom." Roger to me  Apparently he must think I'm a pile of poo.

Bill thinks his coat is bad a$$ and all of the ladies like it.

Toni and Cody were discussing their stripper names. Cody said if someone wanted to pay to see him strip that he wouldn't have a shy bone in his body, Chris should be so proud.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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